"); writeln(""); } win.document.close(); } function openWindow(url, width, height, attr) { var left = Math.round((screen.width-width)/2); var top = Math.round((screen.height-height)/2); return window.open(url, "", attr+"width="+width+",height="+height+",screenX="+left+",screenY="+top+",left="+left+",top="+top); } function moreGames() { window.open("http://games.pokw.com","",""); } function buyVowel() { document.getElementById("vowel").style.visibility = "visible"; hideStats(); } function another() { setPlayer((player+1)%maxplayers); newPuzzle(); displayStats(); } function mainMenu() { document.getElementById("statTable"+player).style.backgroundColor = "#00FF66"; startup(); } function solvePuzzle() { var answer = prompt("Solve the puzzle, please be sure to type the whole puzzle in.", ""); if (answer != null && answer.toLowerCase() == puzzleString.toLowerCase()) { alert("You have solved the puzzle."); showPuzzle(puzzleString); bank[player] += cash[player]; cash[0] = 0; cash[1] = 0; cash[2] = 0; document.getElementById("stat").style.visibility = "visible"; document.forma.cash0Display.value = "$" +bank[0]; document.forma.cash1Display.value = "$" +bank[1]; document.forma.cash2Display.value = "$" +bank[2]; updateButton(0, "images/continue.gif", another); updateButton(1, "images/mainmenu.gif", mainMenu); disableButton(2); disableButton(3); } else { alert("Sorry, that is not the correct answer."); nextPlayer(); } } function showPickLetter(amount) { hideStats(); if (isNaN(amount)) { if (amount == "Free spin") { alert("You earned a free spin token."); freespins[player]++; mainButtons(); } else { if (amount == "Bankrupt") { cash[player] = 0; displayStats(); } nextPlayer(); } } else { document.getElementById("pick").style.visibility = "visible"; spinAmount = amount; } } function nextPlayer() { if (freespins[player] > 0 && confirm("You have " +freespins[player]+ " free spins, Player" +(player+1)+ ". Do you want to use one right now?")) { freespins[player]--; mainButtons(); } else { setPlayer((player+1)%maxplayers); mainButtons(); } } function setPlayer(num) { document.getElementById("statTable"+player).style.backgroundColor = "#00FF66"; player = num; document.getElementById("statTable"+player).style.backgroundColor = "#00CC00"; alert("It is your turn now, Player" +(player+1)+ "."); } function pickLetter(l) { if (!alreadyUsed(l)) { addLetterToList(l); document.getElementById("pick").style.visibility = "hidden"; var count = 0; for (y=0; y<4; y++) for (x=0; x<12; x++) if (puzzle[x][y] == l) { setImage(x, y, "images/" +l+ ".gif"); count++; } if (count == 0) { alert("Sorry, there are no " +l+ "'s in the puzzle."); nextPlayer(); } else { cash[player] += count*spinAmount; mainButtons(); } } } function pickVowel(l) { if (!alreadyUsed(l)) { cash[player] -= 250; addLetterToList(l); document.getElementById("vowel").style.visibility = "hidden"; var count = 0; for (y=0; y<4; y++) for (x=0; x<12; x++) if (puzzle[x][y] == l) { setImage(x, y, "images/" +l+ ".gif"); count++; } if (count == 0) { alert("Sorry, there are no " +l+ "'s in the puzzle."); nextPlayer(); } else { mainButtons(); } } } function addLetterToList(l) { document.images["letter"+l].src = "images/letter.gif"; usedLettersList[usedLetters] = l; usedLetters++; } function alreadyUsed(l) { var found = false; for (i=0; i= 250) updateButton(1, "images/buyvowel.gif", buyVowel); else disableButton(1); displayStats(); } function displayStats() { document.getElementById("stat").style.visibility = "visible"; document.forma.cash0Display.value = "$" +cash[0]; document.forma.cash1Display.value = "$" +cash[1]; document.forma.cash2Display.value = "$" +cash[2]; } function hideStats() { document.getElementById("stat").style.visibility = "hidden"; } function animate() { var toMove = Math.round(power/50+1); power -= toMove; position += toMove; position = position%473; document.getElementById("pointer").style.top = (position) +"px"; if (power > 0) setTimeout("animate()", 35); else finishSpinning(wheel[Math.floor((position+1)/30)]); } function spin() { if (!spinning) { disableButton(1); disableButton(2); disableButton(3); power = Math.round(Math.random() * 300 + 50); adjustBar = barIncreasing; randomizePower(); spinning = true; } else { disableButton(0); clearTimeout(timeout); power *= 3; animate(); } } function finishSpinning(value) { spinning = false; showPickLetter(value); } function randomizePower() { adjustBar(Math.round(Math.random() * 19 + 1)); timeout = setTimeout("randomizePower()", 10); } function barIncreasing(num) { power += num; if (power > 470) { power = 470; adjustBar = barDecreasing; } refreshBar(); } function barDecreasing(num) { power -= num; if (power < 0) { power = 0; adjustBar = barIncreasing; } refreshBar(); } function refreshBar() { document.getElementById("pbar").style.height = (10+power) +"px"; document.getElementById("pbar").style.top = (470-power) +"px"; }
© Copyright. 2002. Pok-Ching Lee. All Rights Reserved.

Try to solve the puzzle by spinning the wheel and guessing a letter. Similar to the TV game show, the game supports up to 3 players. Back to games page

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Freaky Fred - Player 1
Bald Britany - Player 2
Longhair Lisa - Player 3