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A 19th-century board game invented in France, also called The Military Game. It was popular among French army officers during and after the Franco-Prussian war.

On each turn, a single hound moves to a directly connected empty square, followed by the hare's similar move. The hounds may only move vertically or forward (to the right), not backward. The hare may move in any direction.

There are no captures. The hounds win by trapping the hare so that he is unable to move. The hare can win two ways. He can escape, which he does by moving past (to the left of) all three hounds. Also, if the hounds move 10 times in a row without advancing (i.e. they only move up and down) then the hounds are stalling and the hare wins.

Updated: August 29, 2013 1:25 PM

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Right-click game to play full-screen (if available)

To move a hound, first use the mouse to select the hound you'd like to move. Then select the square to move into.

Selecting the same hound twice will cancel the selection. If you're playing the hare, you need only select the desired square.

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